Well, 26th of February was quite an entertaining day for me and my friends...
Here's what happened in my side:
* I had ALOT of chocolate
* I played Mirror's Edge and passed some level I couldn't pass yesterday (But got stuck at something but I kinda know how to pass it... I just need some patience)
* I hung out with friends...
* Had very good dinner...
* Played FIFA in my friend's Xbox360... And won (I usually don't... I suck at soccer games)...
* I played with my friend's cat for a while...
* My car didn't get sprayed (Actually, some kid just sprayed on it, but I'm in a good mood)...
* Didn't get into traffic (Which means, no Gulf Street, Plajat Street or the end of 5th ring road)...
Here's what happened to my friends:
* One of'em had a quite good night with his gf...
* The girl that got her wallet stolen was actually able to transfer all her money (Under her dad's account) to one of her friend's account to be able to use'em... She bought another mobile, retrieved her Wataniya SIM card and bought some stuff for her place...
* One of my friend shared some of the chocolate I had...
So basically, it was a fun day... No problems or troubles at all (There might be little stuff that doesn't worth mentioning)...
Happy Liberation Day Kuwait... I really hope everyone enjoyed that day
Friday, February 27, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Did you enjoy 25th of Feb? I didn't... And my friends didn't as well...
25th of Feb is Kuwait's National Day...
If you've been in Kuwait, you know that the streets will be foamed... Leaving the fact that we HATE foaming thingies in Kuwait and hate the fact that Non-Kuwaitis are celebrating this event (It's Kuwait's National Day... Why Zalamat and Indians celebrate it? It's not Liberation day)
Me and my friends wanted to play basketball in Marina Mall's courts (Celebrating this isn't something we'd do)...
Now, I'll explain why things were bad in my side:
* I was planning on staying home and playing PS3, but I couldn't... They forced me to do so...
* Then when I thought I'm going out, I had to deal with some labor stuff in my house...
* When I finished home labor, my sister gave me some stuff to deliver to her friend...
* I picked up my friend and delivered what she wanted me to drop, then called me to force me on coming back and pick up what she forgot to give me to deliver...
* It's already late and my friends are playing there, so I had to drop my friend from Jabriya to Marina Mall and then come back to Jabriya...
That basically explain why my day was bad... And because of that, I missed the game...
Now allow me to explain why my friends suffered:
One of my friend got his mobile stolen while playing there... His mobile got his friends numbers from his country (Romania)... Now it'll be a pain in the ass to get the numbers back SPECIALLY since his Romanian friends only knows his mobile number... Luckily he's half Kuwaiti and he won't have to worry about identity issues...
And another friend (In the same crime) got her mobile and wallet stolen... Her wallet got her Social Security Number (She's Canadian), credit card (Under her dad's name which hols 1500KD), Abu Dhabi health insurance card, 40KD and other important stuff...
She have to:
* Call her dad to cancel his card which got stolen...
* Go and cancel (or replace) her mobile's SIM card which got numbers that she really depends on for her business...
* Suffer to contact the Canadian embassy to let them know...
* Wait for weeks\months to get her important cards back...
Leaving the argument that it was their fault for being clumsy and careless (Which they mostly weren't), actions were taking and all... But why would someone steal these stuff?
I mean OK, screw the money... Atleast leave the important stuff that you won't have any use of so you wouldn't destroy lives...
How do you want people to think of Kuwait\Kuwaiti people in a possitive way?
So anyways... 25th wasn't a good day for us... I hope whoever reads this (Or not) is having a wonderful day in whatever measurment they're considering...
If you've been in Kuwait, you know that the streets will be foamed... Leaving the fact that we HATE foaming thingies in Kuwait and hate the fact that Non-Kuwaitis are celebrating this event (It's Kuwait's National Day... Why Zalamat and Indians celebrate it? It's not Liberation day)
Me and my friends wanted to play basketball in Marina Mall's courts (Celebrating this isn't something we'd do)...
Now, I'll explain why things were bad in my side:
* I was planning on staying home and playing PS3, but I couldn't... They forced me to do so...
* Then when I thought I'm going out, I had to deal with some labor stuff in my house...
* When I finished home labor, my sister gave me some stuff to deliver to her friend...
* I picked up my friend and delivered what she wanted me to drop, then called me to force me on coming back and pick up what she forgot to give me to deliver...
* It's already late and my friends are playing there, so I had to drop my friend from Jabriya to Marina Mall and then come back to Jabriya...
That basically explain why my day was bad... And because of that, I missed the game...
Now allow me to explain why my friends suffered:
One of my friend got his mobile stolen while playing there... His mobile got his friends numbers from his country (Romania)... Now it'll be a pain in the ass to get the numbers back SPECIALLY since his Romanian friends only knows his mobile number... Luckily he's half Kuwaiti and he won't have to worry about identity issues...
And another friend (In the same crime) got her mobile and wallet stolen... Her wallet got her Social Security Number (She's Canadian), credit card (Under her dad's name which hols 1500KD), Abu Dhabi health insurance card, 40KD and other important stuff...
She have to:
* Call her dad to cancel his card which got stolen...
* Go and cancel (or replace) her mobile's SIM card which got numbers that she really depends on for her business...
* Suffer to contact the Canadian embassy to let them know...
* Wait for weeks\months to get her important cards back...
Leaving the argument that it was their fault for being clumsy and careless (Which they mostly weren't), actions were taking and all... But why would someone steal these stuff?
I mean OK, screw the money... Atleast leave the important stuff that you won't have any use of so you wouldn't destroy lives...
How do you want people to think of Kuwait\Kuwaiti people in a possitive way?
So anyways... 25th wasn't a good day for us... I hope whoever reads this (Or not) is having a wonderful day in whatever measurment they're considering...
Saturday, February 21, 2009
What's more dangerous than Nuclear weapons!?
Here's what my friend and I think about the weapon that could deliver more damage than an nuclear missiles and crap; WOMEN BEHIND WHEELS!!!
Why? Here's why...
First - Extreme lanes and speeds:
Yes, Mostly they suck at driving skills at start... They drive at extreme speed in extreme lanes... And by that, I mean they drive extremely slow on the left lane where it should be the fastest lane or the other way around; drive extremely fast on the right lane where it should be the slowest lane...
And when they drive, they really need to concentrate... And I mean that when they go at extreme fast lane with extreme slow speed and you're behind them in an emergency (Answering nature call or your friends are eating without you), they REALLY need to concentrate on whether when to turn to the middle lane...
And they only decide to turn when there's a car next to them... And they turn to the middle lane, AAAAAND go all the way to the right lane sweeping whoever gets in their way...
And it's ALWAYS your fault because she's a girl and need to concentrate...
Well, such issue is resolved by time when they gain experience from real streets rather than the areas they've been training on...
Yes, I might be over-exaggerating, but it's true... And yes, there's ALOT of good driving women as well... But they're lethal as well (I'll explain later on)...
Second - NFS drivers:
Every now'n'then I drive in gulf street I see a cop pulling over a girl and I think "Oh crap! He's after her mobile number"... As it turned out, it's mostly not for that reason... Recently, girls started to drive so recklessly!!!
They just drive fast regardless the lane they're taking and just passing by cars even though it shouldn't fit (Other cars usually move away giving them space so they wouldn't get hit)... And because they're mostly daddy's girl(s), they get fast luxury cars (Porsche Cayenne Turbo SSSSSS or Range Rover Turbo HSE CBK HTI WRL... Imaginary letters, but I had to kick'em in for the fun of it)...
Funny thing, they even perform car stunts and stuff that I can't even do (I lack such crazy useless skills)...
This issue might get solved when the girl turns 40 years old... Or maybe 50... Or 60...
Third - Queens of the left lane:
This does frustrates me ALOT...
Imagine a woman driving at the left lane in gulf street with the speed of 50KMpH~60KMpH and you're in the left lane driving at 80KMpH...
Eventually you'll have to slow down to her speed... But it's the left lane... She gotta move aside or at the very least drive at 80KMpH (Since it's the legal maximum speed she could go on gulf street while the urban maximum speed is 200KMpH)...
So you flash her (Not the moobs flashing you idiots!! The car flashers thingy!!) or honk your horn since you're abit of surrounded... But in her own mind, you're following her and wants her number or something so she decides to sticking to whatever she's doing... And when you see an opening that could allow you to avoid her and pass her, she decides that it's time to move away and let you pass (Or in her own mind, get near her so you could ask for her number and do the kuwaiti thang... Yes, thang)... So you go to the right lane and kiss the traffic light and all...
Now, I talked about direct damages they cause... And I'm sure there's a big amount of men behind wheels with similar (if not exact) categories of driving issues, but it's a no-match for women behind wheels when it gets to statistics and numbers... Yes, Men can be stupid and idiot drivers and a huge amount are... But when it gets to numbers, women outnumber men for the following reasons:
1 - Statistically, females outnumber males in term of existance in Kuwait (FACT).
2 - Women haven't been driving in real streets before applying for driving license while men usually start learning how to drive when they reach 15 or 16 years old... Few exceptions.
3 - Women usually gets it easy when they run the test drive and try-outs while men usually gets abused and over tested... Few exceptions.
4 - When men were kids, they're ALWAYS obsessed with cars so driving is mostly in their blood while when women were kids, they're mostly obsessed with dolls and stuff... Few exceptions.
Now it's time to talk about Indirect damages they cause:
First - Innocent womAn:
I'm sure everyone is familiar with a lexus (Or even sometimes a camry) is followed by 9276492629287346297E8237642983 cars ranging from crappy Sunny to Lamburginis and cars that you've only seen in Magazines (Or maybe in other planets)...
Such situation is caused by a women driving in peace and followed by single\double\short\long\integer\float\word\string*** men trying to get her number or something... And since she's a single woman, it can't be sedusive (I'll explain this point later) because she's alone and only driving to reach her destination (Malls, restaurants, movies or someone's house for whatever reason)...
This point can evolve if there was womEn not just a single womAn...
This can happen in 3 forms:
a - Victim on the right lane:
This form rarely happens since women aren't attracted to right lanes because they're the slow lanes (I'm not interested in such lane as well)... And in this form, the innocent women get's surrounded by cars... The cars ahead of her usually slows down, the cars on the middle and left lane struggle and fight over the right spot to be able to talk to her, the cars behind her will join the fight... The innocent women is trapped and literally can't drive... So accidents happens and crap
This form usually allows you to make use of the left lane to pass such moving bottle-neck
b - Victim on the left lane:
This form usually happens since that lane is the awesomest... Innocent women would move away if you flashed her (Sometimes not)... But because she's surrounded by horny 16~61 years olds (And sometimes 601 years old), she can't...
Such form is frustrating since you can't really pass them because the right lane is the slow one and drivers tend to be real slow trying to match their speed with the innocent victim...
c - Victims on the middle lane:
This is the common form that happens in the majority of such cases... The victim gets literally trapped in every direction and can't really drive because she's surrounded in every single direction...
This form usually gets irritating but you sometimes can get through this could of horny men behind wheels
Second - Sedusive women:
A small car (Let's just say Ford Focus) filled with Alienware headed girls (7jaab Bu taf5a) seducing guys and messing around with them in whatever form they're trying to apply (Playing rap music, dancing and shaking the packages, shouting and yelling for guys)...
This can happen in the previous 3 forms but with more annoying results and escape methods...
But what's so special in this case is that, they actually get to choose who wants who (As if you're shopping a grocery store for men)... Every car can reflect the man's personality (Exceptions may occur here):
1 - Crappy dirty cars with loud music: Careless guy (Or usually bunch of guys) and probably short on financially resources... If the girls are desperate they'd hunt'em...
2 - Desperately pimped out cars: A guy who think he's cool because he pimped out his 500 decades old car with gum and ducktape (QUACK!!)... They're desperate girls target in major scenarios.
3 - Normal salon cars: Usually a serious guy who might want a serious relationship...
4 - Big cars: CAUTION: SMALL PENIS!!!
5 - Affordable luxury cars (Mercedes, Lexus, BMW, Jaguar): The amount of phone credits you could get might worth their car :P
6 - Unaffordable super cars (Ferrari, Lamburgini, Maserati and so on): These guys might be renting the car for few days... But if they actually bought it, they can buy you and few neighborhoods next to your house.
7 - Bikers: Bunch of assholes that girls would want'em to probably have a ride or two in their bikes.
Third - Wandering ghost(s):
They have no real reason for driving... They just want to drive probably because they're having a bad day or they just like driving... Decent drivers... Good skills... Good driving experience... But guys always follow them and cause driving stunts just to reach'em... They'd reply in a possitive (Exchanging numbers) or negative way (Giving you the finger)... They just want to have their peace driving but guys wouldn't let them
Now, why's that more dangerous than nuclear weapons? Here's why:
Because if a nuclear weapon striked Kuwait, the whole country will be wiped outta existance and I'd have a reason to be involved in such attack because I belong to that country... It'll be an International issue that will get countries involved and leaders having talks and stuff...
But when I drive totally peacefully in the middle lane at the speed 60KMpH~70KMpH and I get hit by a reckless Yukon driver (God damnit!! You have a huge car!! You must watch where you're going!!) because he was speeding after some seducing girls in a Nissan Maxima (They're only missing RedBull and a Cigerette to become fully 3agad), I will have to deal with that person who would come outta the car yelling at me because I didn't make way for him... And I'd mostly screw up because that person would have connections to bail him out while I don't have any connection at all (Or I would've been having a better life)...
Things I learned from "Women Behind Wheels":
* When you see a street bottle-neck, always assume it's a girl hunting group before you assume it's a car accident or a check point (Unless it's 18:00 in a weekend in gulf street... That means they're all going to Marina Mall)...
* Most of the seducive girls aren't that pretty, but we're horny enough to think they are...
* What's more dangerous than "Women behind wheels" is "Fags\Gays behind wheels"... Men will STILL follow such homosexual males...
* Most of gulf street cars are rented... And most of the rented luxury cars are rented for few days...
***Incase you don't get the joke here; in programming, there's different types of variables depending on the way they're handled... And since single represents a martial state and in the same time represents a variable time, I thought of kicking the rest types... I'm sure most of readers wouldn't get this joke, but I'm sure some would :P)...
Why? Here's why...
First - Extreme lanes and speeds:
Yes, Mostly they suck at driving skills at start... They drive at extreme speed in extreme lanes... And by that, I mean they drive extremely slow on the left lane where it should be the fastest lane or the other way around; drive extremely fast on the right lane where it should be the slowest lane...
And when they drive, they really need to concentrate... And I mean that when they go at extreme fast lane with extreme slow speed and you're behind them in an emergency (Answering nature call or your friends are eating without you), they REALLY need to concentrate on whether when to turn to the middle lane...
And they only decide to turn when there's a car next to them... And they turn to the middle lane, AAAAAND go all the way to the right lane sweeping whoever gets in their way...
And it's ALWAYS your fault because she's a girl and need to concentrate...
Well, such issue is resolved by time when they gain experience from real streets rather than the areas they've been training on...
Yes, I might be over-exaggerating, but it's true... And yes, there's ALOT of good driving women as well... But they're lethal as well (I'll explain later on)...
Second - NFS drivers:
Every now'n'then I drive in gulf street I see a cop pulling over a girl and I think "Oh crap! He's after her mobile number"... As it turned out, it's mostly not for that reason... Recently, girls started to drive so recklessly!!!
They just drive fast regardless the lane they're taking and just passing by cars even though it shouldn't fit (Other cars usually move away giving them space so they wouldn't get hit)... And because they're mostly daddy's girl(s), they get fast luxury cars (Porsche Cayenne Turbo SSSSSS or Range Rover Turbo HSE CBK HTI WRL... Imaginary letters, but I had to kick'em in for the fun of it)...
Funny thing, they even perform car stunts and stuff that I can't even do (I lack such crazy useless skills)...
This issue might get solved when the girl turns 40 years old... Or maybe 50... Or 60...
Third - Queens of the left lane:
This does frustrates me ALOT...
Imagine a woman driving at the left lane in gulf street with the speed of 50KMpH~60KMpH and you're in the left lane driving at 80KMpH...
Eventually you'll have to slow down to her speed... But it's the left lane... She gotta move aside or at the very least drive at 80KMpH (Since it's the legal maximum speed she could go on gulf street while the urban maximum speed is 200KMpH)...
So you flash her (Not the moobs flashing you idiots!! The car flashers thingy!!) or honk your horn since you're abit of surrounded... But in her own mind, you're following her and wants her number or something so she decides to sticking to whatever she's doing... And when you see an opening that could allow you to avoid her and pass her, she decides that it's time to move away and let you pass (Or in her own mind, get near her so you could ask for her number and do the kuwaiti thang... Yes, thang)... So you go to the right lane and kiss the traffic light and all...
Now, I talked about direct damages they cause... And I'm sure there's a big amount of men behind wheels with similar (if not exact) categories of driving issues, but it's a no-match for women behind wheels when it gets to statistics and numbers... Yes, Men can be stupid and idiot drivers and a huge amount are... But when it gets to numbers, women outnumber men for the following reasons:
1 - Statistically, females outnumber males in term of existance in Kuwait (FACT).
2 - Women haven't been driving in real streets before applying for driving license while men usually start learning how to drive when they reach 15 or 16 years old... Few exceptions.
3 - Women usually gets it easy when they run the test drive and try-outs while men usually gets abused and over tested... Few exceptions.
4 - When men were kids, they're ALWAYS obsessed with cars so driving is mostly in their blood while when women were kids, they're mostly obsessed with dolls and stuff... Few exceptions.
Now it's time to talk about Indirect damages they cause:
First - Innocent womAn:
I'm sure everyone is familiar with a lexus (Or even sometimes a camry) is followed by 9276492629287346297E8237642983 cars ranging from crappy Sunny to Lamburginis and cars that you've only seen in Magazines (Or maybe in other planets)...
Such situation is caused by a women driving in peace and followed by single\double\short\long\integer\float\word\string*** men trying to get her number or something... And since she's a single woman, it can't be sedusive (I'll explain this point later) because she's alone and only driving to reach her destination (Malls, restaurants, movies or someone's house for whatever reason)...
This point can evolve if there was womEn not just a single womAn...
This can happen in 3 forms:
a - Victim on the right lane:
This form rarely happens since women aren't attracted to right lanes because they're the slow lanes (I'm not interested in such lane as well)... And in this form, the innocent women get's surrounded by cars... The cars ahead of her usually slows down, the cars on the middle and left lane struggle and fight over the right spot to be able to talk to her, the cars behind her will join the fight... The innocent women is trapped and literally can't drive... So accidents happens and crap
This form usually allows you to make use of the left lane to pass such moving bottle-neck
b - Victim on the left lane:
This form usually happens since that lane is the awesomest... Innocent women would move away if you flashed her (Sometimes not)... But because she's surrounded by horny 16~61 years olds (And sometimes 601 years old), she can't...
Such form is frustrating since you can't really pass them because the right lane is the slow one and drivers tend to be real slow trying to match their speed with the innocent victim...
c - Victims on the middle lane:
This is the common form that happens in the majority of such cases... The victim gets literally trapped in every direction and can't really drive because she's surrounded in every single direction...
This form usually gets irritating but you sometimes can get through this could of horny men behind wheels
Second - Sedusive women:
A small car (Let's just say Ford Focus) filled with Alienware headed girls (7jaab Bu taf5a) seducing guys and messing around with them in whatever form they're trying to apply (Playing rap music, dancing and shaking the packages, shouting and yelling for guys)...
This can happen in the previous 3 forms but with more annoying results and escape methods...
But what's so special in this case is that, they actually get to choose who wants who (As if you're shopping a grocery store for men)... Every car can reflect the man's personality (Exceptions may occur here):
1 - Crappy dirty cars with loud music: Careless guy (Or usually bunch of guys) and probably short on financially resources... If the girls are desperate they'd hunt'em...
2 - Desperately pimped out cars: A guy who think he's cool because he pimped out his 500 decades old car with gum and ducktape (QUACK!!)... They're desperate girls target in major scenarios.
3 - Normal salon cars: Usually a serious guy who might want a serious relationship...
4 - Big cars: CAUTION: SMALL PENIS!!!
5 - Affordable luxury cars (Mercedes, Lexus, BMW, Jaguar): The amount of phone credits you could get might worth their car :P
6 - Unaffordable super cars (Ferrari, Lamburgini, Maserati and so on): These guys might be renting the car for few days... But if they actually bought it, they can buy you and few neighborhoods next to your house.
7 - Bikers: Bunch of assholes that girls would want'em to probably have a ride or two in their bikes.
Third - Wandering ghost(s):
They have no real reason for driving... They just want to drive probably because they're having a bad day or they just like driving... Decent drivers... Good skills... Good driving experience... But guys always follow them and cause driving stunts just to reach'em... They'd reply in a possitive (Exchanging numbers) or negative way (Giving you the finger)... They just want to have their peace driving but guys wouldn't let them
Now, why's that more dangerous than nuclear weapons? Here's why:
Because if a nuclear weapon striked Kuwait, the whole country will be wiped outta existance and I'd have a reason to be involved in such attack because I belong to that country... It'll be an International issue that will get countries involved and leaders having talks and stuff...
But when I drive totally peacefully in the middle lane at the speed 60KMpH~70KMpH and I get hit by a reckless Yukon driver (God damnit!! You have a huge car!! You must watch where you're going!!) because he was speeding after some seducing girls in a Nissan Maxima (They're only missing RedBull and a Cigerette to become fully 3agad), I will have to deal with that person who would come outta the car yelling at me because I didn't make way for him... And I'd mostly screw up because that person would have connections to bail him out while I don't have any connection at all (Or I would've been having a better life)...
Things I learned from "Women Behind Wheels":
* When you see a street bottle-neck, always assume it's a girl hunting group before you assume it's a car accident or a check point (Unless it's 18:00 in a weekend in gulf street... That means they're all going to Marina Mall)...
* Most of the seducive girls aren't that pretty, but we're horny enough to think they are...
* What's more dangerous than "Women behind wheels" is "Fags\Gays behind wheels"... Men will STILL follow such homosexual males...
* Most of gulf street cars are rented... And most of the rented luxury cars are rented for few days...
***Incase you don't get the joke here; in programming, there's different types of variables depending on the way they're handled... And since single represents a martial state and in the same time represents a variable time, I thought of kicking the rest types... I'm sure most of readers wouldn't get this joke, but I'm sure some would :P)...
Monday, February 16, 2009
Kuwait's random weather
This is something I can NEVER understand; Kuwait's random weather...
And funny thing, people wouldn't understand how amazing it is to have a random weather...
Think about it, if we knew what's our weather is going to be at specific time, things will be so predictable and boring...
Like, "Oh, tomorrow is going to rain, then it'll be sunny for 3 days, then humid for 2 days, then sunny for 7 months"...
But things would be entertaining if the whether became so random (Kuwait's weather)...
Like, "OK, it's sunny... No need to worry about rai... DAMN IT!!! IT'S RAINING!!! MUST GET AN UMBRE... Oh god!! It's dusty now!!! What the hell? It just got muddy!!!!!"...
I always believed in Kuwait's weather being generated by a random function...
Remember the dust few days ago that lasted for few days?
Remember the rain shower that lasted for few hours?
Remember today's fog?





The last dusty picture is special... If you noticed the zoomed area, you'll see the guy's face and "me" thing... I laughed and said "Shasaweelik ya3ny!?" when I first saw it...
Now, Why would we want to know that's you?
I'd understand how proud he would be if the picture was real not photoshoped... As in, Both Amirs (Allah yer7amhum) were standing there and he was behind them... That'd be an honor that I'd probably do it... BUT NOT A PHOTOSHOPED THING!!!
Seriously, Why would we want to know that that noised-up face is you?
All I see is a bald head and a big nose... I mean, I might think he wants us to know he look handsome BUT IT DOESN'T SHOW!!!
What is he expecting us to do? Stop him and shake his hand? Stop him and give him chocolate? Stop him and talk to him?
That's just priceless... I wouldn't be surprised if he got few girls numbers because of that move... Things sunk that low anyways...
Now, leaving that mentally retard behind wheels guy aside, you know by now how extremely random our weather is... Dusty few days ago and Foggy today... I'd say tomorrow it'll rain, but I'm sure the random function will generate something unexpected (Maybe snow)...
Things I learned from Kuwait's weather and that retard guy:
* He probably just got the Kuwaiti Nationality or working hard to get one
* Wearing face mask or not wouldn't matter, You'll inhale dust no matter what
* You can park your car somewhere and make out with your gf\bf (Whether same or different sex)... No one would notice because the heat inside the car will fog the windows so people won't be able to see what's inside
* Drive slowly if it's foggy... You wouldn't see vanishing scenes so often
* Drive extra slow when it's dusty... Whacky drivers are EVERYWHERE
And funny thing, people wouldn't understand how amazing it is to have a random weather...
Think about it, if we knew what's our weather is going to be at specific time, things will be so predictable and boring...
Like, "Oh, tomorrow is going to rain, then it'll be sunny for 3 days, then humid for 2 days, then sunny for 7 months"...
But things would be entertaining if the whether became so random (Kuwait's weather)...
Like, "OK, it's sunny... No need to worry about rai... DAMN IT!!! IT'S RAINING!!! MUST GET AN UMBRE... Oh god!! It's dusty now!!! What the hell? It just got muddy!!!!!"...
I always believed in Kuwait's weather being generated by a random function...
Remember the dust few days ago that lasted for few days?
Remember the rain shower that lasted for few hours?
Remember today's fog?





Now, Why would we want to know that's you?
I'd understand how proud he would be if the picture was real not photoshoped... As in, Both Amirs (Allah yer7amhum) were standing there and he was behind them... That'd be an honor that I'd probably do it... BUT NOT A PHOTOSHOPED THING!!!
Seriously, Why would we want to know that that noised-up face is you?
All I see is a bald head and a big nose... I mean, I might think he wants us to know he look handsome BUT IT DOESN'T SHOW!!!
What is he expecting us to do? Stop him and shake his hand? Stop him and give him chocolate? Stop him and talk to him?
That's just priceless... I wouldn't be surprised if he got few girls numbers because of that move... Things sunk that low anyways...
Now, leaving that mentally retard behind wheels guy aside, you know by now how extremely random our weather is... Dusty few days ago and Foggy today... I'd say tomorrow it'll rain, but I'm sure the random function will generate something unexpected (Maybe snow)...
Things I learned from Kuwait's weather and that retard guy:
* He probably just got the Kuwaiti Nationality or working hard to get one
* Wearing face mask or not wouldn't matter, You'll inhale dust no matter what
* You can park your car somewhere and make out with your gf\bf (Whether same or different sex)... No one would notice because the heat inside the car will fog the windows so people won't be able to see what's inside
* Drive slowly if it's foggy... You wouldn't see vanishing scenes so often
* Drive extra slow when it's dusty... Whacky drivers are EVERYWHERE
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Literal thinking..
One of the weirdest abilities I have is "Literal thinking"..
And by that, I mean, just think literally of anything that sounds weird..
To me, it's a great ability that not alot of people appreciate (They think it's plain stupid).. Why I think it's great?
Because it makes things probably easier to understand but mostly funny to process (if you can add a touch of imagination)..
Here's a good example happened a while ago:
My friend got back from Australia for a vacation from his Naval Biology whatever he's studying.. So I asked him "What would you do when you graduate? What would your work be like?".. He replied "I'll be planting and growing fish"..
Saying that, my mind started the literal mode and worked the imagination thingy in my head.. Here's what I imagined:



Yes.. My mind can go this literal and sometimes even worst.. I know he meant "breed" by "plant" and all.. But my min functions this way and I just laughed..
And sometimes when someone say "I'm tired" I just think of it as if he was a "Tire (As in, a car's Tire.. Or maybe Tyre)" but he changed to something else (maybe a steering wheel)..
Not like I don't understand what they mean by what they say, but sometimes my mind ignites the literal spark and visions appears before my eyes and drop me laughing..
People think it's stupid, I think it's a way to make me laugh whenever\however I want.. And sometimes it helps when I'm with my friends and they're all talking about "Soccer", I just live in my own little literal world and keep myself occupied..
Things I learned from this thingy:
* Photoshop is WAY easier to draw comics and simple drawings (like the one I made) than MSPAINT in WindowsXP (It changes in Windows7.. I should give it a shot though) :P
* When you get sick, this ability's limits gets pushed a little further
* (Coffee, Sugar and Chocolate) + (Literal thinking): People will think you're on a crack.. Well, alot of people thought I'm on crack.. Whether with'em or not :P
And by that, I mean, just think literally of anything that sounds weird..
To me, it's a great ability that not alot of people appreciate (They think it's plain stupid).. Why I think it's great?
Because it makes things probably easier to understand but mostly funny to process (if you can add a touch of imagination)..
Here's a good example happened a while ago:
My friend got back from Australia for a vacation from his Naval Biology whatever he's studying.. So I asked him "What would you do when you graduate? What would your work be like?".. He replied "I'll be planting and growing fish"..
Saying that, my mind started the literal mode and worked the imagination thingy in my head.. Here's what I imagined:
Yes.. My mind can go this literal and sometimes even worst.. I know he meant "breed" by "plant" and all.. But my min functions this way and I just laughed..
And sometimes when someone say "I'm tired" I just think of it as if he was a "Tire (As in, a car's Tire.. Or maybe Tyre)" but he changed to something else (maybe a steering wheel)..
Not like I don't understand what they mean by what they say, but sometimes my mind ignites the literal spark and visions appears before my eyes and drop me laughing..
People think it's stupid, I think it's a way to make me laugh whenever\however I want.. And sometimes it helps when I'm with my friends and they're all talking about "Soccer", I just live in my own little literal world and keep myself occupied..
Things I learned from this thingy:
* Photoshop is WAY easier to draw comics and simple drawings (like the one I made) than MSPAINT in WindowsXP (It changes in Windows7.. I should give it a shot though) :P
* When you get sick, this ability's limits gets pushed a little further
* (Coffee, Sugar and Chocolate) + (Literal thinking): People will think you're on a crack.. Well, alot of people thought I'm on crack.. Whether with'em or not :P
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Time sense theory
I woke up by 22:35 and waiting for the time to turn 00:00 so I could take my fever pills (No happy pills.. Bohohoo)..
So while I was waiting, I started to wander about time sense when sick, when waiting and when excited..
Today, I went to the clinic (Mustaw9ef.. Must aw9ef.. Must describe :P) and waited for around an hour or something, but it seemed as if I was waiting for few hours..
So I made a theory about it and backed it up with a chart to clarify my theory.. Could be right and could be wrong, I just made it for the fun of it (And to waste some time till I get my pills)..

Sorry for being blurry, but lemme explain the chart for you:
The blue bars represents the "Sense of time when sick"..
The red bars represents the "Sense of time when waiting"..
The yellow bars represents the "Sense of time when excitement"..
The X Line (1, 5, 10, 15.. 60) represents the sense of time in minutes..
The Y Line (0, 10, 20, 30.. 60) represents the real time in minutes..
To understand the timing thingy, you must add the previous bars till you reach the wanted sense of timing..
Here's an example:
The first minute = 60 minutes in sick time, 5 minutes in waiting time and 1 minute in excitement time..
The five minutes = 60 minutes + 55 minutes in sick time, 5 minutes + 15 minutes in waiting time and 1 minute + 2 minutes in excitement time..
The ten minutes = 60 minutes + 55 minutes + 50 minutes in sick time, 5 minutes + 15 minutes + 20 minutes in waiting time and 1 minute + 2 minutes + 5 minutes in excitement time..
Well, to me it's something similar to this.. It could vary from a person to another, but the chart's form will be close to the chart I made:
* Sickness sense of time starts with a big delay then adjust slowly
* Waiting sense of time starts with dramatically less delay than Sickness sense an adjust faster than Sickness sense
* Excitement sense starts faster and adjust later on
I hope someone will make use of such chart :P
So while I was waiting, I started to wander about time sense when sick, when waiting and when excited..
Today, I went to the clinic (Mustaw9ef.. Must aw9ef.. Must describe :P) and waited for around an hour or something, but it seemed as if I was waiting for few hours..
So I made a theory about it and backed it up with a chart to clarify my theory.. Could be right and could be wrong, I just made it for the fun of it (And to waste some time till I get my pills)..
Sorry for being blurry, but lemme explain the chart for you:
The blue bars represents the "Sense of time when sick"..
The red bars represents the "Sense of time when waiting"..
The yellow bars represents the "Sense of time when excitement"..
The X Line (1, 5, 10, 15.. 60) represents the sense of time in minutes..
The Y Line (0, 10, 20, 30.. 60) represents the real time in minutes..
To understand the timing thingy, you must add the previous bars till you reach the wanted sense of timing..
Here's an example:
The first minute = 60 minutes in sick time, 5 minutes in waiting time and 1 minute in excitement time..
The five minutes = 60 minutes + 55 minutes in sick time, 5 minutes + 15 minutes in waiting time and 1 minute + 2 minutes in excitement time..
The ten minutes = 60 minutes + 55 minutes + 50 minutes in sick time, 5 minutes + 15 minutes + 20 minutes in waiting time and 1 minute + 2 minutes + 5 minutes in excitement time..
Well, to me it's something similar to this.. It could vary from a person to another, but the chart's form will be close to the chart I made:
* Sickness sense of time starts with a big delay then adjust slowly
* Waiting sense of time starts with dramatically less delay than Sickness sense an adjust faster than Sickness sense
* Excitement sense starts faster and adjust later on
I hope someone will make use of such chart :P
When good music becomes bad...
I'm not saying I have the best taste of music.. In fact, I think I have the worst taste of music..
Anyways, I've been coming to 2nd Cup Al-Bustan frequently for almost 6 months.. I like that place ALOT..
The goods aren't bad priced.. I can stay the whole day for 2.5KD (1KD for internet card and 1.5KD for coffee and water)..
The atmosphere is random in here.. People in the coffee house are usually quite and wouldn't bother even a fly.. The sandwiches aren't that good but they're not that bad either.. Friendly staff (One of'em calls me cookie monster because I once ordered something wearing a cookie monster t-shirt :P)...
The internet here is great.. Not so fast (probably 512kbps) but for 1KD, you could stay the whole day.. If you still don't like that, you can leech from CafeSupreme.. Free WiFi but weak signal (Sometimes things go weird and you'll have to pay up for CafeSupreme's wireless)..
2nd Cup's internet is more secured than CafeSupreme, it doesn't allow you to detect any other laptop connected in the same network as if you're the only one there.. Broadcast thingies are disabled as well.. So paranoid people are recommended to use 2nd Cup's WiFi..
CafeSupreme's internet is less secured though, you can apply MITM attacks and get passwords and stuff (Tried it and kinda worked) :P.. But hey, it's for free.. No one is bored enough to do such actions (except me :P)..
Anyways, things are so cool so far.. But here when it gets annoying; 2nd Cup's music!!
I've been listening to the same damn songs for months.. And they totally don't fit the place's atmosphere.. Why? Well..
The manager of this place is Lebanese.. He's a decent and really well-mannered person.. But his taste of music sucks since he's the one who plays the songs..
I think you guessed it right (or not), Fayrooz.. Fayrooz in a foriegn coffee house (American, Italian or whatever).. It's wrong..
OK, Fayrooz rocks!! I don't like her, but I know for a fact she's a great great great singer and her songs are amazing that not alot of people can handle such taste of music..
Fayrooz songs could be played in Lebanese restaurant or coffee place (Or maybe Egyptian if Om Kalthom wasn't there anyways)..
But for a foreign coffee place, Jazz is the most appropriate genre to be played (Most of Jazz musics though, not all of'em).. Maybe Miles Davis, Norah Jones, Chick Corea or even Pat Metheny..
Alright, so Fayrooz is being played.. It's ok for a day.. Or two.. Or three.. But not so repeatidly that they play the same damn songs for a month or so..
And not the type that would atleast blend in with coffee's atmosphere, there's a song or two probably about war (Zahrat Al-Mada2en).. I'm here to drink coffee damn it!! I'm not picking up any weapon to fight somewhere!!
I don't mind if they played different Arabic songs (Old or new).. But the keyword is "Different"..
I'm not sure if it's a lebanese thing or not, but once they like a song\artist they stick to'em like a leeching bug..
I'm no different though, I like Daisuke Ishiwatari, The Bad, Avenged Sevenfold, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Beethoven (And the list goes on)..
But I don't listen to'em so frequently.. I explore new songs.. And whenever I'm with my friends and I get to choose songs, I whether listen to my songs that only I can enjoy'em to piss off my friends, or try the new songs I've downloaded with my friends..
The only way I used to save my day (and ears) was by listening to my iPod.. But it's busted and cracked'n'opened it to see what makes it tick.. Now I have to bear with whatever songs they play..
Things I've learned from 2nd Cup:
* Their coffee is SO BITTER.. I LIKE!!
* iPods (Well, my iPod) uses IDE HDDs.. I can make use of it.. 20GB can save lives :P
* Always bring your music player or a friend with ya so you wouldn't have to keep listening to an inappropriate music (And by inappropriate, I mean something that wouldn't blend with the place's atmosphere)..
* If you like this type of music, well, you'll hate them when you start coming here frequently..
Anyways, I've been coming to 2nd Cup Al-Bustan frequently for almost 6 months.. I like that place ALOT..
The goods aren't bad priced.. I can stay the whole day for 2.5KD (1KD for internet card and 1.5KD for coffee and water)..
The atmosphere is random in here.. People in the coffee house are usually quite and wouldn't bother even a fly.. The sandwiches aren't that good but they're not that bad either.. Friendly staff (One of'em calls me cookie monster because I once ordered something wearing a cookie monster t-shirt :P)...
The internet here is great.. Not so fast (probably 512kbps) but for 1KD, you could stay the whole day.. If you still don't like that, you can leech from CafeSupreme.. Free WiFi but weak signal (Sometimes things go weird and you'll have to pay up for CafeSupreme's wireless)..
2nd Cup's internet is more secured than CafeSupreme, it doesn't allow you to detect any other laptop connected in the same network as if you're the only one there.. Broadcast thingies are disabled as well.. So paranoid people are recommended to use 2nd Cup's WiFi..
CafeSupreme's internet is less secured though, you can apply MITM attacks and get passwords and stuff (Tried it and kinda worked) :P.. But hey, it's for free.. No one is bored enough to do such actions (except me :P)..
Anyways, things are so cool so far.. But here when it gets annoying; 2nd Cup's music!!
I've been listening to the same damn songs for months.. And they totally don't fit the place's atmosphere.. Why? Well..
The manager of this place is Lebanese.. He's a decent and really well-mannered person.. But his taste of music sucks since he's the one who plays the songs..
I think you guessed it right (or not), Fayrooz.. Fayrooz in a foriegn coffee house (American, Italian or whatever).. It's wrong..
OK, Fayrooz rocks!! I don't like her, but I know for a fact she's a great great great singer and her songs are amazing that not alot of people can handle such taste of music..
Fayrooz songs could be played in Lebanese restaurant or coffee place (Or maybe Egyptian if Om Kalthom wasn't there anyways)..
But for a foreign coffee place, Jazz is the most appropriate genre to be played (Most of Jazz musics though, not all of'em).. Maybe Miles Davis, Norah Jones, Chick Corea or even Pat Metheny..
Alright, so Fayrooz is being played.. It's ok for a day.. Or two.. Or three.. But not so repeatidly that they play the same damn songs for a month or so..
And not the type that would atleast blend in with coffee's atmosphere, there's a song or two probably about war (Zahrat Al-Mada2en).. I'm here to drink coffee damn it!! I'm not picking up any weapon to fight somewhere!!
I don't mind if they played different Arabic songs (Old or new).. But the keyword is "Different"..
I'm not sure if it's a lebanese thing or not, but once they like a song\artist they stick to'em like a leeching bug..
I'm no different though, I like Daisuke Ishiwatari, The Bad, Avenged Sevenfold, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Beethoven (And the list goes on)..
But I don't listen to'em so frequently.. I explore new songs.. And whenever I'm with my friends and I get to choose songs, I whether listen to my songs that only I can enjoy'em to piss off my friends, or try the new songs I've downloaded with my friends..
The only way I used to save my day (and ears) was by listening to my iPod.. But it's busted and cracked'n'opened it to see what makes it tick.. Now I have to bear with whatever songs they play..
Things I've learned from 2nd Cup:
* Their coffee is SO BITTER.. I LIKE!!
* iPods (Well, my iPod) uses IDE HDDs.. I can make use of it.. 20GB can save lives :P
* Always bring your music player or a friend with ya so you wouldn't have to keep listening to an inappropriate music (And by inappropriate, I mean something that wouldn't blend with the place's atmosphere)..
* If you like this type of music, well, you'll hate them when you start coming here frequently..
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