Saturday, May 16, 2009

Killer pigeons...

Enough weird dreams already!!!

What the HELL is wrong with me and the weird dreams that pop in my head!?

OK enough freaking out... Here's how the idea was:

I went to my friend's apartment (Some fictional person that, his face looks totally unfamiliar)... And when I opened his apartment's door, I saw him laying on the ground with 7 pigeons eating up his body...

I freaked out and called "11271" (Which is, "777" in real life... WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE THREE NUMBERS!?) and later on they came and took care of everything...

On my way back home, I keep seeing pigeons flying over covered in blood with some meat remaining on their pecks\face...

Then I woke up and literally thought that was real for the next few hours that, I was actually going to call one of my friends to confirm that the killer pigeons doesn't exist (or atleast, not in Kuwait)...

Now, I can assume I'm having THIS weird dream because I ate too much "Papa Jones" Pizza... But that doesn't explain why I had the weird previous dreams...

Can anyone recommend a good shrink!? :P


  1. dude you seriously need help lol :D

    i dreamt about something weird too .. but yours are way different lol beyond weird !!

  2. The evil company planted some device to control your weirdnessism... Come to my clinic and I shall remove it with a screwdriver and 7-inch drill!!!

  3. you ate at night, pizza and then you slept at night. It gives you nightmares, not healthy at all.
