Saturday, April 18, 2009

Childhood obsession

I know this IS a useless post, but aren't most of my posts useless? :P

Anyways, I like to wear t-shirts like crazy. I wear'em when I go to sleep, when I go out, when I work on something, when I... Wait, I WEAR'EM ALL THE TIME!!!

And since I like stuff like "cookie monster" and other childish stuff that I, myself, find'em funny, I tend to wear t-shirts and even boxers of'em...

And for some reason people don't like the fact that a 24 years old man that wears t-shirts with funny\childish stuff on'em (And that includes my both parents, my older brother, aunts and uncles, some friends and those who meets me for the first\second time)...

Now, take 4 steps backword (Yes, 4... The random number) and take another look...

First of all, we still like childish stuff even when we grow up.

I mean, just switch your TV to Tom & Jerry and witness almost every family member (including the maid and driver) sit there and enjoy the show...

So how's Tom & Jerry isn't as childish as Sesame Street? It's actually more childish than Sesame street...

What about Bugs Bunny? Betty Poop? (Couldn't help it... Sorry :P ), Popeye? Donald Duck? Hello Kitty?

Y'know, the list is endless... But for some reason they consider Sesame Street, Barney the gay dinosour and Teletubbies the homosexuals are too childish and shouldn't be something to be liked when you grow older than 7 years (Well, I personally would forbid my kids to watch Barney and Teletubbies... Just so not as educational as Sesame Street)...

I dislike Barney and actually forcefully liked Teletubbies (My cousin used to force me to watch it till I liked it and she hates it now :P )...

Secondly, there's nothing left to wear BUT funny childish t-shirts.

Take another 4 steps to the back and turn 4 degrees to the right... You'll witness how lame and stupid t-shirts became...

Take a close look and you'll see how gay things turned...

You can actually predict a person (In our case, guys) behavior and personality by his t-shirt...

The brighter and glittery the color is the more douche bag and (bi\homo)sexual the wearer is... [Ofcourse, there's an exception for every rule, but the key word is "AN EXCEPTION"... Which means you can find probably ONE person who's hetrosexual and isn't a douche bag]...

And you better be careful when you see a dark t-shirt person... It's hard to predict the following:
* They could be (bi\hetro\homo)sexuals whether they know it or not...
* Emos...
* Weed\Joint\Alcohol\Whatever Junkies...
* Goth wannabies (It can easily show by the face)
* Well or ill mannered

There's this saying that goes like "Wear what the others want you to wear and eat what you want to eat" (Literal Arabic-To-English Translation somehow)...

I'm totally against that saying... I wear what I like to wear (As long as it doesn't offend anyone) and eat what I like to eat (I don't care if it offends you or not... It's getting IN MY TUMMMEEEH!!!)...

I'm not against what would others wear because it reflects their personality (Unless they're wearing dishdashas and formal suits... Things can get tricky in here)...

Which is why I don't wear what common Kuwaitis wear: Polo shirts (They've been here since I was born and they just started to wear it 2~3 years ago... I wonder why :P)...

If wearing [Cookie Monster\Domokun\Stewie] t-shirts is childish and only means I'm still a child, well, atleast I'm straight, well-mannered, well-educated, have various useful hobbies that makes use of my time and totally not a typical Kuwaiti with almost no goal in life


  1. Ma3ndek salaf! :P Screw what anyone thinks, those t-shirts are cool!

  2. ee wala ! i totally agree with Noods !! i wear whatever i wana i dont give a $hit what people think !! seriously just do whatever makes u feel good cuz thats all that matters .. people will always find sth that they dont like and wana fix it ! so go ahead wear whatever funny cute t-shirts you got lol ;D

  3. Noods:
    Navy Girl:

    You don't need to tell me how awesome it is to wear such t-shirts... Specially the priceless facial expressions on someone who don't know what the hell my tshirt means and whatver...

    But it annoys me when my own parents think weirdly about it >.>
